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The Key to Follow Through


You can set out to try something new, shift feelings of discontent to feeling more at ease, and give yourself the time and attention to heal. Yes AND be sure to bring it home with that follow-through. 


How do we get the follow-through? It's gonna take longer than you think. Your brain is gonna tell you that you can't do it, it doesn't matter, and who are you to think you deserve more?

So again, how do we get the follow-through?


You build credibility with yourself.


Credibility with ourselves is the key to showing up for ourselves and when we start showing up for ourselves in the way we want, we are building trust and accountability. Integrity. This can soften the voice in our head that says we are not enough, too broken to heal, and are stuck in the world of stuckity stuck.


So how do we build credibility?


This is so important I am teaching this and more at my next women's circle! (Sign Up Here :-)

One beautiful way we can add credibility is to declare something right before we do it. For example...I'm gonna take a sip of my smoothie. And then take that sip of your smoothie. Your brain doesn't know the difference!

When you tell yourself you are gonna have lights out at 11 pm and you find yourself at midnight on Facebook you are losing credibility with yourself. So, instead of telling yourself you are gonna be in bed with lights out by 11 pm and then stay up til midnight, you tell yourself as you turn the lights out, "I'm gonna have lights out by midnight", eleven whatever the time is.

Then you can level up on that and give yourself the 10-minute warning. Make it an easy win! You are already in bed, Calm app is playing your bedtime story, the phone is put away, and you are doing your favorite Myofascial Stretch technique...(Mine is ball under the sacrum:-D) I'm gonna have lights out in fifteen. Shazam! (Celebrate my friend... these little wins are HUGE!!!)

Building credibility with yourself is a huge piece to follow through and between the two you've got yourself the ingredients to try something new and get down to the business of healing and meanwhile your day-to-day is full of contentment, ease, and joy.


You get to create a life you love!


Ladies, if you are looking for more joy in your world I have started a women's circle! The next circle is on July 14, offered both online and in person. This is a place for us to explore joy. Creating a map, finding your own personal compass to find yourself and connect with others in community. I don't know about you but I'm ready to be with others, sharing, laughing, and stepping into joy.

Click here to learn more

Where ever you are in your journey, you are most welcome.  You can reply to this email with any questions. 


Enjoy the Stretch of the Week!  


 Feeling stuck and can't find the way?  I have two coaching spots open where we have 1-1 sessions to help uncover your favorites of where and what you would like to do and be, discover what's in the way, and help you move towards that transformation everyone is talking about.  Reply to this email and we can connect and see what that might look like for you. 


Fascia is the Way!



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