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Myofascial Release - Everything is Connected


I don't know if you knew this, but I grew up with horses. My dad not only worked at the factory for Chrysler but my dad trained horses. Western mind you... all cowboy or cowgirl if you will. I loved hanging out in that old barn and helping my dad feed the horses. Now I don't remember stretching or thinking about fascia or how the body works back then, but I do remember jumping out the hayloft, falling off the fence(practicing cartwheels:-), and crashing into trees while swinging on vines in the back pasture. 

When you're young like that you still bounce. I would stand up and brush it off and then get back to what I was doing. 

Now picture me in high school, running track. I was a really fast, middle distance runner but I wasn't consistent. Sometimes when I ran it felt like I had a different shoe on each foot. I lost my ZIP! Now when I look back...MY HIPS WERE OUT! Tight on one side and not on the other. Sometimes fast and sometimes not so much. Guess who landed on her hip when she was little? Like a billion times! Yep, this cowgirl. It all adds up just like the body is all connected.

No worries if you have aches and pains even from when you were younger. Fascia is the way. You can get back your zip! (Heads up - You don't have to rust out!)

Here's your myofascial stretch of the week! 


P.S. Want more Myofascial Stretching? Join me on Saturday for class...LIVE or get the Replay. Sign up link HERE!


50% Complete

Two Step

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