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Moving Through Resistance


I never thought too much about the word AND. I think I lived in the land of one or the other. This OR that and when one cancels out the other, that can make for a hard decision and lead to the land of No decision. If you get stuck and find it hard to take action...check out your options. I can't work out in the gym yet AND I can go for a walk. I'm not sleepy AND I can get on my cozy pants and read in bed.


Adding the little word AND can add some movement and motivation when you come up against that inner critic that heckles with can't and should. Adding the word AND can soften that draggy feeling of resistance so you can do the thing even if the thing is to not do.


Sometimes you're ready to take action and...stall and sometimes it's time to rest and yet you stay busy and keep hopping. How do you switch it up? 


1) First off you're gonna take a little inventory. What are you wanting...what's the goal? If your brain comes up with what you don't want, then lean in a little more for the upside. Try on the words..." so I can..." For example, I don't want to hurt anymore so I can move more and get back to yoga.

2) Add a's that deep listening that can give you a hint at what's in the way. I put off going to physical therapy for months because I didn't have a pair of workout shorts that fit. Seems silly but when I was motivated to do the thing I would get hung up on the no shorts. Our brains can come up with some goofy stuff but if we don't listen in then we just feel the resistance. (I bought the shorts and then I easily made the appointment I had been putting off. Yay!!!)

3) Build a bridge to the thing you really want to do. Say ya wanna do my Myofascial Stretch class but you don't have time...instead of all at once, you can do the class by sprinkling the techniques throughout the week. Walaaa - self-care is like your favorite snack. Can't get to the gym...take that walk. Want to make time for yourself...put it on the calendar and make it a date!

4) What's the motivation? What are you striving for? Maybe you want to get better sleep, build up to a 5K fun run, and be more flexible in your body AND your mind. Use that goal to help you move through that resistance.

5) Celebrate! Celebrate every win along the way. In bed fifteen minutes earlier. High five! Walked the dog...yea you did! Watched 3 hours of Netflix and rested...I see you! 


I see you out there, taking care of yourself and showing up! Pajama day...yes yes! Bike riding in that beautiful fall weather...what could be sweeter? Took some time to breathe and are on a roll. Said no thanks to that party? Way to take care of yourself! It's the little things that make up the big things and if you tune in and add that deep can't go wrong.


Enjoy the Stretch of the Week!  


 Feeling stuck and can't find the way?  I have two coaching spots open where we have 1-1 sessions to help uncover your favorites of where and what you would like to do and be, discover what's in the way, and help you move towards that transformation everyone is talking about.  Reply to this email and we can connect and see what that might look like for you. 


Fascia is the Way!


P.S. Want more Myofascial Stretching? Join me on Saturday for class...LIVE or get the Replay. Sign up link here!


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