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Life is Grand with Myofascial Release


Guess who's got a birthday coming up? I'm turning fifty this month and it brings all kinds of feels to the surface. I'm excited cuz that is amazing and fifty years is a long time and I can ponder my life and I am in awe of all that was, is, and can be. Everything we think, feel, and do add up and when I think of some of my favorites...Girl Scout summer camp as a camper and as a camp counselor, sports in high school...especially track and field (hello 400 meter run), my big move to Salt Lake City when I was twenty years old, buying my first guitar and writing songs, the car accident where I fractured my back and then I was a person who had pain, and then from my pain I figured out what I wanted to do with my life. I enrolled in massage school.


 It's not only the grand life experiences that lead you down the path to a happy, fulfilling life. It's the hard stuff that can shine a light on what really matters for you. You get permission to show up in a different way.


Different doesn't have to be full of a big YES to a bunch of new things. It might be a big ol' NO that creates the big shift, the pivot, or that smile that comes from way inside. When life gets real it's an invitation to grow. Not for the sake of growth but a beckoning if you will, to be seen, to be heard. Pain is the body asking for attention. What else is asking for your attention in your world? It's alllll connected.

This week's technique is a little howdy to your hamstring and here's a little secret...It's a little howdy to your heart.


 Enjoy the Stretch of the Week!  


Fascia is the Way!


P.S. Want more Myofascial Stretching? Join me on Saturday for class...LIVE or get the Replay.

Sign up link here!


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