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Let Your Body Be Your New Favorite with Myofascial Release


This is the glow of a mom whose kid is home for a week. At twenty-five years old she is hardly a kid and yet the sense of ease, play, banter is all there as if time doesn't matter and just sharing space fills me up. We are keeping it low-key and just hanging out, puzzling, watching old movies, and sometimes just sitting around without even talking and it is so comfortable and so easy. 

When I describe to someone what I do, helping people at my myofascial release clinic get out of pain and get back to doing what they love, coaching women online and helping them to reclaim their body after breast cancer, teaching my Myofascial Stretch Method classes for weekly self-care, what I am really doing is helping people get more comfortable and feel at ease in their body.


Whether you have tight, painful scar tissue, a frozen shoulder, reconstructive surgery that is still painful to the touch a year later, you can work towards that same comfort and ease you feel when your favorite person comes in town. It starts with those two main components I always talk about, the main components of myofascial release...holding your stretch or compression for at least two to five minutes and never going past your edge. Add some consistency like my weekly Myofascial Stretch Method class and your body will look forward to it like when your favorite person is coming into town.


 Enjoy the Stretch of the Week!  


Fascia is the Way!



50% Complete

Two Step

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