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How to Get Where Ya Wanna Go


I went to my first physical therapy appointment this week. Cha Cha Cha! I've been lying around and recovering from long haulers since March 2020 and slowly adding more, like outings to the Clayton Art Fair and such. Good times but ya know how I like to ride my bike and jump around in the gym! Before I step up in the movement category, more than the neighborhood walks, easy yoga, and playing rock star in my living room, I want to build a base of core strength and mobility. I want to step it up without getting injured and really listen to my body. Sometimes ya gotta remind the muscles what their job is. 


It's ok to get support as you look at where ya wanna go and wonder how you're gonna get there. I know many things rehab, but having a one-one session bridges the gap. 


This is why people love working with us at Quantum Healing Arts! We have been specializing in and studying myofascial release for the last twenty years, helping you get out of pain and back to doing what you love!

When you work with one of the therapists here at the clinic, you get an hour of hands-on myofascial release. You get direct feedback to help identify your pattern as we are experts at not only treating your pain and tightness but finding the cause. You get an individualized treatment plan catered to you and your body. You get the accountability that comes with working with someone one to one and videos demonstrating the homework like ball in the belly, without wondering if you are doing it correctly. 


Our schedule has been busy but heyyyyy...we have a new therapist, Marina Panzeri, who has been practicing myofascial release for twenty years! Whether you are a past client looking to come in for a tune-up or you are new to the world of myofascial release and are ready to take care of that nagging pain and tightness, looking to recover from a surgery, or even looking to avoid that next surgery...give us a call and we can answer your questions and see if we are a good fit. If you're feeling chatty and ready to up your self-care, you can email us here at Quantum Healing Arts or call 314-614-4615.

We are not always used to taking the extra time for our bodies but baby, you're worth it! Making time to take care of your body is a beautiful thing and even more so if you catch it on the front end and don't wait until it starts to break down. Get back your Shazam!


 Enjoy the Stretch of the Week!  


 Feeling stuck and can't find the way?  I have two coaching spots open where we have 1-1 sessions to help uncover your favorites of where and what you would like to do and be, discover what's in the way, and help you move towards that transformation everyone is talking about.  Reply to this email and we can connect and see what that might look like for you. 


Fascia is the Way!


P.S. Want more Myofascial Stretching? Join me on Saturday for class...LIVE or get the Replay. Sign up link here!


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