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Find Your Comeback in the Setback


I took a break. I'm swimming in ideas. There is so much I want to do and yet sometimes the body says wait. Sometimes the timing is different than we think. Whether you are healing, working on your comeback, or actively creating a life you love, the setbacks and flare-ups can be the hardest to manage. Heavy on the heart as the brain creates the banter that is not exactly wishful thinking. Noticing where you are in that moment is a key pivot point in not just healing but LIVING with a capital L!


Feeling great and feeling ick are not the only ways to get to know yourself. There is a magical space in-between. The pause, where you get to recover. The space to process your day, your week, and even the ick. The moments where you sit in the "feeling great" and "all is well".


This is where you find trust.


The wait is like a pregnant pause full of life to come. Trust the healing process. Trust the ebb and flow of life. Trust your body and this a "ride em' cowboy" sort of day or Downton Abby in pajamas sort of day or something in between? That is some amazing self-care and deep listening! Whether you are laying on a foam roller and feeling your body soften and open or filling your house with the smell of a roasted chicken for dinner, your self-care is another way of building trust and trust is a bridge to "all is well". That flareup says, "dearly beloved, take a moment and pause." That setback says wait and process and make that chicken noodle soup!


Enjoy the Stretch of the Week!  


 Feeling stuck and can't find the way?  I have two coaching spots open where we have 1-1 sessions to help uncover your favorites of where and what you would like to do and be, discover what's in the way, and help you move towards that transformation everyone is talking about.  Reply to this email and we can connect and see what that might look like for you. 


Fascia is the Way!


P.S. Want more Myofascial Stretching? Join me on Saturday for class...LIVE or get the Replay. Sign up link Here!


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