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Creating Space With Myofascial Release



I'm waiting for an idea. Well, I have an idea. I just don't know quite how to put it all together. I actively think about the pieces but it gets all tangled in my head and another day goes by. Then I put it aside and don't work on it. I play rock star in my living room with me and my guitar. I lay on my foam roller and let it all go. I rewatched Ted Lasso and it's still really good. And then I see my idea start to form. Little bits show up at a time. Cuz ya know...the magic shows up in the spaces.


 When you take the time; when you create spaces in your day, your week, your year, you are wooing those sweet possibilities without having to know what said possibility is. Knowing or wanting to know, as in really really know... if you already knew it you would know... ya know?

Add some Myofascial Release to the mix and you got yourself a whole bucket of possibilities. You are creating space between your joints, your vertebra, so all can slide and glide and when you create space between your thoughts...the ideas just walz right in!


 Enjoy the Stretch of the Week!  


Fascia is the Way!


 P.S. Want more Myofascial Stretching? Join me on Saturday for class...LIVE or get the Replay. Sign up link HERE!


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Two Step

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