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Building Resources with Myofascial Release


This summer is a doozy. (Insert all things doozy here.....)

We don't have to make a list but list it is. We are strong and courageous and resilient and tired and prickly and in pain. We are reaching for our higher selves that can ebb and flow with the change and pivot even when it feels easier if we could just keep things the same. How do you manage all the things? That self-care I'm always talking about is more than just a body that bounces back after you fell off the curb. That self-care is building up your resources that help you when you are in the thick of it. Life, relationships, body, work, relationships...



 You don't have to work on "it" when you are "in it". Your newfound resources that you've been working on show up when you need them. If you can be with yourself, show up with compassion and empathy for yourself even when it's ugly.  You are building trust. You are creating a witness. You are honoring self.  


So let's create a list of resources. That morning run you've been doing is gonna come in handy on that crazy day. That foam roller along the spine is your favorite and just right after a day at the office(in person:-0) That friendship you've kept up with is the perfect call of support for when your basement flooded. 


Need more resources? I have two spots open for new coaching clients. Sometimes life and all the things seem to take over. Pain is hard to manage and then add life. I help people identify and work through their biggest struggles and then together we create steps to work towards your new favorite self. Discovering your own unique resources that help you when you are in the thick of it. Life, relationships, body, work, relationships...want to know more? respond to this email and let's connect!




 Enjoy the Stretch of the Week!  


Fascia is the Way!


P.S. Want more Myofascial Stretching? Join me on Saturday for class...LIVE or get the Replay. Sign up link here!


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