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Find Your Inner Compass


I've spent the last few years taking things off my plate. Whether you are like me, and you had a big bout of Covid and the lingering side effects of long haulers or maybe you have had chronic pain, or you are watching pain and tightness creep up in your world and you are looking for the door that leads to feeling good in your body. So yes to taking things off your plate and slowing down your heal, to integrate, to reassess what is working for you, and what still feeds your soul. Marie Kondo your day-to-day...the art of doing less. But how do you add more?


When you are feeling more spacious, have more energy, and that little bounce in your step is ready for new dance...let your heart and body lead the way. 


Your brain might be telling you to do more OR your brain might be warning you that to do more is gonna set you back. (Oh the dreaded setback!) As I say in my Myofascial Stretch class, to clients on the table, or in the world of coaching on zoom...ebb and and fro...


  • stopping at your edge (honoring your body and nervous system)
  • waiting at the barrier (adding that deep listening)
  • allowing the body to soften while your nervous system feels safe (getting out of fight or flight)


So how does that look like in the day and the life of you adding more?


First off, you're gonna want to start with adding in more self-care. It's like when you take a giant bite of a submarine sandwich and all the bits are gonna fall out unless you go for it. There is a lot of chewing that has to happen before the next bite. When you add more to your world, you add the walk, the meet-up with friends after work, the painting of the kitchen, you've got to give yourself time to process, integrate, and recover. Give yourself time to chew before that next bite. And if we keep going with the sub sandwich metaphor, let it be your most favorite submarine sandwich that makes you pause, ponder, and feel all the way to your is good!


 Enjoy the Stretch of the Week!  


Fascia is the Way!


P.S. Want more Myofascial Stretching? Join me on Saturday for class...LIVE or get the Replay.

Sign up link here!


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