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Witness the Magic with Myofascial Release


I just got asked to contribute to an article about Radical Rest. I love that there is a movement questioning the hyper-busy state that most of us were taught to strive for this particular level of achievement. Burnout is real but we don't really notice it until we are fried, done ala done. Same with our bodies. When the "busy" starts messing with your body as in creating pain, then one starts to pay attention. Tradition health care needs a diagnosis to treat your symptom. In the word of Myofascial Release, we are looking for the cause of those symptoms. That's the magic. 


Gentle, sustained compression and elongation for two to five minutes in one spot. This work is never injurious as you are listening and creating a  witness to your body as the fascia softens and melts... without going past your edge. You are creating space in your body; space between the joints, between your vertebrae, and space between your thoughts. 


 If you are having a hard time slowing down then check in with yourself and get curious as to what is behind your "busy".  What's the real motivation? Whether it is from a survival instinct and drive or the passed down fear of being lazy, you get to decide if that is true for you! This beautiful work can be your north star as you bring your attention to your body, to your breath, and to the symphony that plays behind the scenes. Witness the magic and life becomes magical! 


 Enjoy the Stretch of the Week!  


Fascia is the Way!


P.S. Want more Myofascial Stretching? Join me on Saturday for class...LIVE or get the Replay. Sign up link HERE!


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