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Treat Yourself


How do we show up for ourselves? I have a confession...I sometimes and sometimes meaning more often than not stay up to 11 pm. My intention is to go to bed more like 10 PM but between 10 and 11 pm I forget that part. I used to set my alarm or keep my phone out of the room but mostly throw some shame at myself and vow to do better tomorrow...set rules and all. But I found a better way... 


  What if "that day" was today and later was a "how bout now" and that thing you keep wanting to do wasn't a should've but became a part of you and your self-care?


How do you do the thing you want to do but don't seem to do it? (AKA...Are you on the fence about signing up for Myofascial Stretching?)


1. Add some flexibility...I like flexibility in my day but also seem to do better with routine soooo...I do a combo. Write the newsletter on Wednesday but if that doesn't happen I can do Thursday or even Friday. Less pressure, more fun and no shame. Get ready for bed earlier and then read the book or write in my journal, or scroll on my phone (insert eye roll here:-) and still turn the lights out at 10 pm. 

2. Add Accountability and Fun with A Friend - I've got a client that sometimes has her mom or sister over for the class, even if they are doing the replay on Sunday. Sign up for class and then make it a party!


3. Add something afterward that gives you that reward, I'm a badass, kind of feeling. Savor that cup of tea, the walk outside, meet for pancakes, and banter with your favorite person!



In this week's Stretch of the Week, we are doing the foldover diamond technique as hips love the attention and a foldover is quite loungy and just the thing for someone who stayed up past their bedtime.


 Enjoy the Stretch of the Week!  


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