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Inviting Change With Myofascial Release


Can ya feel it? The subtle change in the air hints at the upcoming, fall season. I crave different foods, more nature, and I wake up with ideas brewing from a restful sleep. My summer companion (my 25-year-old daughter was home:) is back in her own world and I notice the space that is created. 

Sometimes we initiate change and sometimes change is simply upon us. The change in seasons is inviting you to not only pull out those cozy sweaters and all of the other things "autumn" but to search through your stash and see if what was last year, still fits in your world. 


You get to decide what you bring in. Here's the can only bring in something new when there is space created from the "letting go".


We are in the practice of "letting go" every week here in the Myofascial Stretch world. Gentle, sustained compression and elongation. Start the journey of learning how to track your body and take cues from your nervous system.  A great self-care system to relieve pain and tightness, keep doing all the things you love to do, and move toward the land of embodiment.


FYI - Embodiment feels a lot like joy. 


 Enjoy the Stretch of the Week!  


Fascia is the Way!


P.S. Want more Myofascial Stretching? Join me on Saturday for class...LIVE or get the Replay. Sign up link below!


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