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Four is My Favorite Number


My favorite number is four. My favorite comfort food is pot roast. I love the beach but I would pick woods by a lake every time. I have always loved chocolate and just never had a taste for candy so no contest there. My mom is from Texas so I grew up on baked goods like banana bread, chocolate chip cookies, and pecan pie while my grandma used to make the most amazing lemon coconut cake in a bundt pan for those special occasions. Oh and I was a runner and activity of all sorts was my thing. That was a biggie.


Time can change what your favorites are but don't let time stop you from looking for new ones. There's freedom in a person's ability to change, grow, and heal.


I still eat pot roast almost once a week from a local restaurant, Big Sky. It's amazing and hits all my buttons. I'm not as much hanging around the sugar but I get my baked goods fix with my Sunday morning pancakes. The four thing was from my first basketball jersey and then all jerseys after that. I couldn't make a basket under pressure but I had hustle and I could steal that ball from the best of them. And the figure four? It's your stretch of the of my favorites:-)


 Enjoy the Stretch of the Week!  


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