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Find Your La De Da with Myofascial Release


Oh did I sleep last night! I might have woke up once and then zonked right out back to the land of zzz's. This is a beautiful example of healing. So what's with the "tossing and turning wide awake holy moly I gotta get to sleep" mode? Tired but wired is an example of the nervous system stuck in fight or flight...on a primal level your body does not feel safe. We don't heal first and then the nervous system goes off duty. Nope. You gotta sweet talk your body AND nervous system and then your body can heal and you can get that magic sleep. It's all connected!


Myofascial release is talking to your fascia yep and then some! Gentle, sustained compression and elongation without going past your edge. Helllooo nervous system...all is well. You could take more pressure on that hamstring or fit more "doing" in your day but your nervous system can register that as you being chased by a tiger! 


 If you are running all day and then some, pushing through pain, and putting off your self-care you are gonna climb in bed wanting sleep but your body is ready to run from that tiger. Self-care like rest, myofascial stretching, a walk in the woods as in moments of "la de da" and "to and fro" and finding that point of ease where all is well. Nothing to do, be, or even let go. This is where the body heals, rests, and recovers. La... de... Da... My favorite way is on the, myself and I and the land of Myofascial Stretching. It's more than a fixer of broke things but a modality that connects and heals and becomes a way of being. 


 Enjoy the Stretch of the Week!  


Fascia is the Way!



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