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Fascia Is The Way


 Sometimes self-care is something you look forward to and revel in your routine of a daily walk or that ride on your bike. Sometimes you might dread it or on the sneaky side of you writes it off for the day, the week, which turns into a month, and oops it's been a year...

I was explaining to a client about pain and fascia. How when you are in pain the fascia tightens to stabilize and protect. The nervous system is on guard as you try and get back your zip and endurance. That tight fascia can be from underuse or overuse, and we often don't notice the tightness until we fumble with the door or bobble off the curb...


Your self-care routine can give you the insight as to where you're at! Dreading that walk you normally love? Take something off your plate that day or week. All busy with the fam so you put off your self-care for another day? Block off some time for just you and get your self-care on your schedule.


Time on your mat with some Myofascial Stretch Method gives you an inventory of how your body is doing...what might be tight or how one side seems different than the other. Then you can add what you need to get that movement back. If your brain is busy and thinking you should be doing something else while you are in ploppy might be time to unplug a bit and connect and pause...all great insights as you move throughout your day, your week, your life. Fascia is the way.

Reach out if you have any questions! You can reply to this email and it goes directly to meee:-) 


 Enjoy the Stretch of the Week!  


Fascia is the Way!



50% Complete

Two Step

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