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Calling In What You Want


That's some beautiful blue sky out there. The light that lingers on at the end of the day...bring it!  I'm so ready for spring and yet here's the sweet spot. Change is in the air. Anticipation of what is to come. Whether you are looking forward to that call with your bestie, the yellow of the forsythia in your backyard, or your next pajama day, the moment, right now, is full of what is to come. And what is to come can be anything you set out to bring. What are you calling in this spring?


Knowing what you want is quite different than asking for what you want...and just like the seasons, what brings us joy shifts and changes along the way. 


What if you don't know what you want? It's not always so crystal clear and that's ok. Start with the little things...what brings you joy? That cup of tea, the walk in the woods, that song that you like to play in the car....that's your map. Start there. 

If you've got a biggie want that seems so far away or out of reach, you build a bridge. If you don't like your house you create a room or a special corner and make it yours. If you want to feel better you start looking at the tiny things that will get ya there. Sleep, add some good food, rest, and more joy. Joy is another word for getting to know yourself and getting to know yourself is knowing what makes you bloom. 


Enjoy the Stretch of the Week!  


 Feeling stuck and can't find the way?  I have two coaching spots open where we have 1-1 sessions to help uncover your favorites of where and what you would like to do and be, discover what's in the way, and help you move towards that transformation everyone is talking about.  Click HERE and check out the different ways you can work with me!  


Fascia is the Way!


P.S. Want more Myofascial Stretching? Join me on Saturday for class...LIVE or get the Replay. Sign up link below!


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