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Myofascial Stretch of the Week - Shoulder Nook and Cranny


This is a tribute to your beautiful hands that build, weave, and dig in the garden. This week's technique is in honor of your arms full of strength, grace, and celebration as you whoop it up at your kid's basketball game, and play cat ninja warrior with the laser pointer. These are my arm warmers that I knit over the weekend, all to add a little cozy and a little love to my hands. I love them so:-)

  The nook and cranny of your shoulder joint all lead to the ease and grace of your arms, your hands, and how long you can play guitar, knit, lift that crossbar, and wave at your favorite person as you meet them in the airport. (Travel is coming:-)

In this week's Stretch of the Week, I'm sending you your own little cozy and maybe a little edgy so mind that edge and modify so you can melt without cussing and keep that movement and swing in your shoulder, which is best friends with your arm, who is all about reaching and hugging (don't forget the hugging), so your hands can do all the things including thumb wrestling with your favorite niece. 

 Enjoy the Stretch of the Week!  


Fascia is the Way!



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