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Myofascial Release - Modify and Make It Work For You


I made the most amazing birthday cake for my husband. His birthday was a Saturday so when I finished teaching the Myofascial Stretch class, editing, and posting, getting the dogs, and all the things it was 4:30pm. That is not a lot of time for birthday cake mishaps. Even cakes made from a box. You gotta have a layered cake cuz that makes it extra special and yet there are two of us. I don't want to eat a whole cake and so I thought about cupcakes...and then I saw the waffle maker. 


Can you make a birthday cake in the waffle iron? Yes You Can! I googled it and all ya do is add an extra egg and another 1/4 cup of flour. Then waffle iron it up and we had a six waffle layered yellow cake with chocolate icing all spread out in between each waffle and the icing was all in the waffle crevices! Jim said it's the best cake he ever had! My brain was coming up with ideas for opening a waffle cake restaurant...This cake was done, iced and ready to be oooed and ahhhed and then eaten in only twenty minutes! I almost went to the store in panic mode to go buy one.


If ya don't have all the time that you think you need then modify! Waffle that cake up! Don't have time to read anymore? Read half the chapter and not the whole. Thinking ninety minutes is a long-ass time to lay on the mat and stretch? Do my Myofascial Stretch class one technique a day. Boom! Self Care is happening, the book is getting read, and you might just make the best cake ever!  


In this week's Stretch of the Week, I do a bit of a combo, a twofer if ya will, that elongates your low back as you add compression in your chest. Great for ribs, lovely little hello to your low back, and the combo not only gets the ribs and low back talking to each other but, you save a little time. 


 Enjoy the Stretch of the Week!  




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