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Giving Yourself More



I had a new client this week who is recovering from her breast cancer surgeries and treatments. She was nervous and guarded and like most women that get released out into the world, left with pain and tightness...the kind that means you can't do your job let alone sleep and do all the things at home. Imagine a scenario where co-workers have to open the door for you because you can't use your arm. These women are discharged from care. All better or as they so often hear this is as good as it gets and when the patient persists with complaints about pain and is implied that they get to be grateful that they are here. As in alive.


 You can be grateful AND not settle for pain and tightness. You can have all you need and crave a little more spark and zest in your world. Vitality doesn't have an age and when someone says you are as good as it gets, you have hit their limitation and not yours.


There is a balance to accepting where we are and also taking measures to heal... body, mind, and spirit. When you find yourself amongst the rubble of life, you get to redefine what is important to you and create a life you love. Pain is loud and one way to look at it is that pain is the body asking for attention. Whether it's in your hip or that shoulder doesn't move to open the door without a zing, you get to answer the call. Take the time to stretch, have that cup of tea, that call with a friend, and that walk in the woods. Reach out if you need support. It's an honor to share what has been so helpful for me along my own healing journey. You don't have to do it alone. 


Enjoy the Stretch of the Week!  


 Feeling stuck and can't find the way?  I have two coaching spots open where we have 1-1 sessions to help uncover your favorites of where and what you would like to do and be, discover what's in the way, and help you move towards that transformation everyone is talking about.  Reply to this email and we can connect and see what that might look like for you. 


Fascia is the Way!


P.S. Want more Myofascial Stretching? Join me on Saturday for class...LIVE or get the Replay. Sign up link here!


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