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Finding Your Sense of Ease


My daughter is in town and you are hearing from a happy Mom! She is upstairs sleeping while I do my thing and it is the best feeling. The house is full, the fridge is full, and my heart is full to the brim. We got our nails done, we went to see the Barbie movie, and then we just hang out. It's so easy. It reminds me that life gets to be easy, joyful, and full without all of the trying, the push, the struggle. Where else can I add a little easy in my world?


It's one thing to work hard and to show up, create, and share with the world and another to push and pull and make something work. If you are riding the struggle bus then this is where you can bring in the vibe of allowing, listening, and feeling. 



What's something in your world that feels easy?

What makes it easy?


My daughter who is 26... we talk on the phone...a lot. I have consciously made space in my schedule and shown up for these calls. I love the banter and I love how we connect! We say what we think and ask for what we need. I apologize when I get all parenty and lean in with my opinion. She shares about her world and I get the scoop. I ask her questions and get to know grown-up Emma. Easy Peasy and full of joy!


Notice what is easy for you. What does that sense of ease feel like? Where do you feel it?


For me, I feel lighter. My mind is softer and less opinionated and I notice the world around me. My relationship with time is softer, less FOMO, and more in the moment. 

You can use that experience, that relationship, and your strength to help you notice where you are pushing and trying to make something happen.


Can you add a dose of ease? Can you let that something show you another way?


Sometimes we give it space and sometimes we go all in. But either way, you get real...real with yourself about what you want, what's in the way, what can you let go of. Another way in...if you let go of the specifics and you focus on that sense of ease, that lightness of the body, and the softness of the mind, you inherently start to let go of the struggle and you notice that you are already there. Breathe it are already there.


Enjoy the Stretch of the Week!   


If you are looking for your own sense of ease and want some support, I have a few coaching spots available. 1-1 coaching can really help with that comeback and not only create space for you to ponder what you want more of in your life but also how to get there. More info HERE.



Ladies, if you are looking for more joy in your world I have started a women's circle! The next circle is on August 11, offered both online and in person. This is a place for us to explore joy. Creating a map, finding your own personal compass to find yourself and connect with others in community. I don't know about you but I'm ready to be with others, sharing, laughing, and stepping into joy.

Click here to learn more

Where ever you are in your journey, you are most welcome.  You can reply to this email with any questions. 


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