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Calling in the New Year

selfcare Dec 31, 2021

New Year's Eve and I am lounging in pj's and sipping my coffee and thinking that this upcoming year is gonna be...hmmm. My brain comes up with so many things. This year is gonna be full of healing... where I feel full of light and love. This upcoming year is gonna be full spaces where I sit by the fire or on my mat and I just let the thoughts swirl until they are all swirled out and the quiet brings an alert softness that calls in trust, connection, and peace. AND I'm gonna bask in some joy! 


No Pressure 2022, but I've got a few things on my dance card, and at the top of the list is self-care. Bring on the self-care! 


What's it like to walk around on the planet and feel taken care of? What if your body felt heard, and those little inklings of maybe's weren't put off for later? Another day, another week, another year. Baby, this is your year!

You get to create and design and explore...and sometimes you might not know what you want or need but no doesn't start with a thing. For me, it's a mood. You can ask yourself the beautiful question..."How do I want to feel? " This is the compass! Whether it's body or heart and soul you get to ponder the feeling and create a plan from there. 




1. Ponder how ya wanna feel.

2. Make a list of all the things, moments and activities, etc... that bring about that feeling

3. Put the activity or space on your calendar aka schedule it out


For example...I want to feel safe and secure (nervous system stuff), continue to heal from long haulers and get back to riding my bike, expand my clinic, and still feel spacious and connected... for a few:-) So what that looks like... We ordered more wood so I can keep up my time by the fire, continue to dedicate my Saturday afternoon to myofascial stretching every week, and schedule out time off so I have pockets during the week and visits with my daughter Emma on the books:-)


 If you are looking for some shifts in your body like less pain and more movement, you are in the right place.

If your brain is full of all the things as you navigate the pandemic amongst all the other life stuff then you are in the right place.


I get to share with you my favorite tool for all of these things. Gentle sustained stretching and compression. And what that can feel like is a deep sense of peace. Pain is softened as your body can move more freely. Your nervous system and its legendary fight or flight response is off duty. Your commitment to coming to class or the other self-care that you implement creates an underlying trust between you and your body. Like a boat in the ocean...when the waves come you trust the boat. Your body can ride the waves of life. Just put your heart in the captain's chair.


Happy New Year!


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